Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Family History Report

This week the fourth graders in Room 17 will be give the Family History Report project assignment. Yesterday's lesson on interviewing will likely result in requests for interviews of parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and possibly other extended family members. Although the report is not due until the end of January, this is the time of year when many relatives gather for the holidays providing an opportune time to conduct the interviews. The other parts of the report can be completed after the holidays, so students need not spend two weeks doing major homework! Here, however, is the complete assignment:
Family History Report
1. Interview family members. Take notes on notecards.                     
2. Take notes about your family members:                                      
          a. traditions
          b. background/childhood
          c. jobs
          d. hobbies
          e. anecdotes/stories
3. Write paragraphs from your notes. Add an introduction and
     conclusion to your report.  (rough draft)                                              
4. Proofread your report. Revise and make corrections. Write final
5. Indicate on the maps (U.S. and World) where your family and
    relatives have come from.                                                            
6. Include Family Tree.                                                                    
7. Include a self-portraits and/or family photos.                              
8. Make an attractive cover for your report.                                     
9. Copy a favorite family recipe for your report.                             
10.Present your report orally in class.                                               
11.Make a bibliography for your report.                                         


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