Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009


After two weeks the WASL is finished. The kids worked very hard on all parts of this major fourth grade assessment, and attendance was excellent. Now we can move forward to group projects with a multi-media computer program called Photostory which allows kids to make a slide show with narration, pictures and music. That's one of our students in the photo above demonstrating the proper way to take a phone message. The picture will become part of her slide show project.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Science Night at Franklin

A few weeks ago we had a "Science Night" here at Franklin Elementary School and it was a big success. You can get an idea about what it was like from the video courtesy of Peninsula Daily News.Just go to the Peninsula Daily News website, find "video" in the tool bar, and scroll down to "Franklin Science Night."

Monday, April 6, 2009

Welcome back after what I hope has been a great Spring Break. Even the weather feels springlike today as we dive into finishing essays about life at Franklin Elementary School and learning more about long division and probablity. We had a terrific field trip to Port Townsend to see the Marinie Lab and participate in lessons about sound underwater and orcas (Killer Whales.) Both were very good, and the kids handled a long bus ride with ease and a demonstrated sense of many times did we sing the "Chicken Song?" On a more serious note: The WASL begins next week!