Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Writing good essays and stories takes lots of focused effort and the willingness to spend time and energy in order to produce a piece of work worth the reader's attention.

This week we are developing proofreading skills using an essay that contrasts fantasy fiction with realistic fiction. Fourth graders must learn to read every word--this is not the place for scanning and skimming!

A typical problem such as, "The storys we read fantasy fiction because they all had at least one talking animal for a character," is easily fixed with a closer read. Did you find the error? That's right--it should be 'stories' not 'storys.'

The fourth graders also had some fun learning about figurative expressions, particularly the expressions known as idioms.

"You might find yourself sitting on top of the world after the next Math test. Just make sure you're not down in the dumps when the test is completed because you didn't do all of the assignments or let your mind go off track during an important lesson.

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