The Family History Reports show a wealth of memories, organization, and respect for the people who came before us and those we live with or who play a role in our students' current lives. This week the fourth graders presented some of the anecdotes and showed pictures from their reports to the rest of the class. For most of our students, a report project, complete with interviews, rough drafts, final drafts, pictures, maps, family tree, family recipe, and bibliography, covers new ground and the organization, thought, and homework required stretches their skills. Many went beyond the minimum requirements by making intricate family trees, for example. Very nice work!
The second round of our classroom's Analytical Reading Inventory shows exceptional Reading growth in many of our students and nearly a year's growth in Reading levels in most of the other fourth graders since the first round of assessments in September. Extra practice reading at home (for at least fifteen minutes) pays off.
Very nice idea....We like the art work too!!!
A Grampa
Thank you!
A Teacher
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