Is it possible to eat spaghetti in the car after a soccer game? Apparently, it is now. The New York Times reports that
spaghetti tacos are now the rage among kids, but no one in Room 17 has yet mentioned them. Take a look at the article for something fun to read.
The kids are doing a fine job with the weekly bonus questions. Yes, the capital of Washington State is Olympia, not Washington D.C. The bow is the front of a ship or boat, the stern the rear, starboard-right, and port-left. The chum salmon is nicknamed the dog salmon not only because of the pronounced canine-like teeth during spawning, but also because they spawn last of the five Pacific species. By the time the chum salmon returned to the rivers and streams native people had already caught and preserved plenty of fish for human consumption. Thus, the chum were often fed to the people's dogs and the nickname ensued.
No school for the kids on Friday this week. That means it could be a good day to find current events or news items for Monday's discussion. A little extra reading homework is a good ideat, too, along with some practice on the multiplication facts. Here's hoping you have a nice weekend.